YSG 1 Bundle

Becoming a Competent, Character-Driven Communicator

Teens have ideas, but sometimes they don’t know how to talk about these passions with others. 

ICC’s approach to empowering young communicators is a lot like teaching arithmetic. Consider an 8-year-old student learning or mastering basic multiplication facts. This core competency is used over and over and extended all the way through calculus. Similarly the basic principles of public speaking are revisited for more advanced applications and a deeper grasp of the underlying concepts. These skills are applied in various settings and for diverse audiences.

REGISTRATION OPEN June 17 through midnight August 5, 2020 (U.S. Eastern Time)


  • Ages 11-18
  • For those who have completed the EXPRESS curriculum


  • Students progress at their own pace.
  • Instructor access begins the week this item is purchased and ends 180 days after that. If student materials have been purchased, then access continues for 180 days after that purchase.
  • Designed to be completed in a year by most students or 3-4 months by a motivated, older teen.


The Instructor gets:

  • access to two semesters’ worth of lesson plans, including devotions, opening activities, weekly lessons, portfolio and speech coaching tips
  • a sample copy of the YSG1 portfolio
  • coaching maps and curriculum guide for YSG1
  • Everyday Conversations, 12-week email series


Have you already completed YSG 1? Want to continue your journey to transformation and learn how to connect meaningfully with different audiences? Build on what you’ve already learned through our Young Speakers Guild 2 Bundle. Contact us at Live Chat for details.


ICC’s approach to empowering young communicators is a lot like teaching arithmetic. Consider an 8-year-old student learning or mastering basic-multiplication facts. This core competency is used over and over and extended all the way through calculus. Similarly the basic principles of public speaking are revisited for more advanced applications and a deeper grasp of the underlying concepts. These skills are applied in various settings and for diverse audiences.

Through ICC’s unique Six-Step Formula to Transformation, these skills will be expanded and further developed throughout the Young Speakers Guild portfolio series. By applying our unique process to becoming a competent, character-driven communicator, your speaker will be better prepared to influence today’s culture.

Explore what life in an ICC chapter is like - complete  with meeting instructions, opening activities, devotions, and details on how to progress through the Young Speakers Guild phase 1 portfolio.

While individual speakers may progress through the Young Speakers Guild portfolio series at their own pace, it is designed so that each phase would be completed in one academic year or 3 - 4 months for motivated, older students. Below are talking points that help anticipate the Young Speakers Guild, 3-part portfolio training series.

A key component of the Young Speakers Guild Training Series is mentoring. In ICC mentoring includes both adult and student-leader investment in the lives of our emerging leaders. You’ll want to anticipate having multiple mentors available for the speech and portfolio-coaching portion of your Young Speakers Guild meeting times. We recommend 1 mentor for every 5 students. The best way to prepare others to join you on this venture is to have your peers register and sign up for Coaching with Success (valued at USD 97). 

How do Express andYoung Speakers Guild Phase 1 compare?

  • Public Speaking Genres: Both EXPRESS and YSG 1 introduce speakers to the three primary speaking genres: platform speaking, storytelling, and speaking with limited preparation. EXPRESS and YSG1 use different titles for the specific speeches given. YSG1 begins to focus on the purpose of each of these genres and how to address diverse audiences. As speakers increase in competency, they learn to identify the genre that fits the occasion and their audience. The YSG1 exercises build on the foundations set in EXPRESS. 
  • EXPRESS foundation: EXPRESS is similar to the college-model survey-course format. This includes an overview of genres, skills, vocabulary, and some exposure to basic concepts. Students and educators are now prepared for the concepts taught more completely and developed throughout YSG. Note: interviews are a unique bonus only available in EXPRESS.
  • Real-world skills: The YSG portfolio series gears students towards work-cited and bibliography pages which help anticipate college papers, tax filing, job applications, and other real-world experiences. They are taught how to show respect for sources, authority, others, and the platform where they speak. This perspective is often overlooked in speech training but is essential to success in the real world. 
  • Skill-building approach: EXPRESS uses a broad approach to building competencies, exposing speakers to a variety of skills. The Young Speakers Guild portfolio series is incremental and builds layer upon layer. 
  • Safe Community: Young Speakers Guild Phase 1 establishes “safe community,” beginning with an audience of peers and moving the speaker into community audiences.
  • Repetition: Repetition is necessary for mastery. Exposure to key concepts, speech types, and vocabulary is foundational for communication education. Repetition grows competence and confidence. Speakers will be expected to repeat exercises from EXPRESS that further mastery. Most exercises have been edited to challenge speakers in new ways. 
  • YSG Tool: The Young Speakers Guild portfolio series is centered around ICC’s unique Six Steps to Transformation (P3 + R3  = C3) approach to competency training. Young Speakers Guild Phase 1 starts with coaching and personal reflection and moves towards self-assessment and community evaluation.
  • Portfolio-based: The Young Speakers Guild Phase 1 helps speakers to design a portfolio around their public-speaking journey, complete with evaluation forms, scripts, photographs, and copies of original thank-you notes.
  • Gateway to leadership opportunities: ICC facilitates transformation where ordinary students become extraordinary leaders. Students enrolled in a YSG course of study are encouraged to participate in ICC’s practice environment, ICCFS tournaments. The Institute for Cultural Communicators Forensics Society  provides the opportunity for growing communicators to experience ICC’s global community via the camaraderie of peers beyond their own classroom. Students who enroll in ICC chapters and who complete the Young Speakers Guild portfolio are uniquely positioned to explore future leadership opportunities within the ICC community.  


Instructor Access to the Curriculum

What type of support is there for the instructor?

You’ll get access to 180 days of support that begins as soon as you purchase:

  • Interact with the instructor materials and our global community in our secure online learning academy
  • Leverage your influence by experiencing our Coaching with Success course which explains ICC’s Six Steps to Transformation approach to coaching.
  • Join in twice monthly support and video connection call
  • Automatically enrolled in Everyday Conversations, a weekly email series with tips and suggestions for leveraging teachable moments with your students (12 weeks)

Questions About Course Content

Can I make changes to the content?

Young Speakers Guild 1 Bundle is shared by instructors around the world. You are all using the same content. Content is not editable by individual instructors. If you have suggestions for improvement, please fill out the form contained in the course Share your Questions and Suggestions. You may fill it out multiple times throughout your Young Speakers Guild 1 Bundle journey.

How long does it take to go through this curriculum?

Students who are 14 and older can do a lesson a week and complete their Young Speakers Guild phase 1 in about 3 - 4 months if they do a lesson per week. Younger students, ages 11+, may move slower, with twice monthly meetings, and take an academic year to progress through the curriculum.

Will my students get grades?

Young Speakers Guild 1 Bundle is considered a Group. Your curriculum is a group resource. There are no online assignments for your students - so there are no grading features in the ICC Academy. 

Can my students get completion certificates?

YES! They are found in your Reference Resources in the curriculum resource. You will decide when your student is ready to receive a completion certificate. 

Student Access 

Will my student be able to view course materials?

In the Young Speakers Guild 1 Bundle, only instructors can view the course materials. Instructors will have the ability to print student sample handouts from the instructor materials.

What should I do if I’d like my student to get access to student materials?

Purchase Student Access for the required number of students. The instructor will then be able to print out 1 copy of the Young Speakers Guild 1 portfolio for each student you purchased access for.. 

Can parents view the curriculum?

Parents of Young Speakers Guild 1 are not able to view the online  curriculum.

Questions About Tech 

Do I need wifi for my course?

  1. Wifi/internet is required, especially for streaming videos. 
  2. Instructors of Young Speakers Guild 1 find that downloading and printing lesson plans ahead of time helps them be more confident in the face to face classroom setting. 

Who do I reach out to with my questions about my purchase?

Reach out to Lisa McLean, Director of People Care (available on LIVE CHAT at www.iccinc.org or email [email protected]). Make sure you include the following needed information (failure to include this information will slow down the process)

  1. Name of Original Purchaser. 
  2. Name of School or Learning Center, if appropriate. 
  3. Approximate date (month, year) of purchase
  4. Item of Curriculum purchased
  5. Your concern
  6. She will work with you and our team of ICC leaders to make sure you get the help you need.

For School/Learning Centre Groups Only

I’m the school administrator or principal, do I get access to the curriculum?

Every PURCHASER and every named instructor for whom the purchaser indicated at the time of purchase will be given access to the same curriculum as the instructors. If you don’t have access, and believe you should, please fill out the Academy Support Form for assistance.

updated 3.9.20

Thinking this is right for your students? CLICK HERE to find out pricing and how to purchase!


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